Notalon 0.5.0

  • Categoría: Text Editors
  • Licencia: Freeware
  • Tamaño: 5.63 KB
  • Sistema: w98 w2000 wXP vista
  • Idiomas:

A notepad to note things down in class or to make comments on the books you are reading.

There are many people reading and then making notes in the margin. This can also be done for text files. Proof of this is Notalon, a tool created to make this task easier for users by making virtual notes. Notalon isn`t just for bookreaders, but also for students. They can use this notepad to make notes. No more do you need to write things down so quickly that you later can`t read what you`ve written.

The notes are organized via a hierarchical tree that is located in the left hand panel. The comments added to Notalon can be found quickly using the internal searcher. And to use Notalon you just have to create headers that function as tags for your notes. The text created by Notalon can be exported to a PDF document.


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